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Fees Explained

How are anesthetic fees calculated?


When an anaesthetist provides a service to a patient, they are not doing this in the role of an employee of the hospital or the surgeon. The fees paid to an anaesthetist are paid by the patient, usually in conjunction with their insurance provider.


Each anaesthetist is an independent practitioner, and calculates their own fees independently of other anaesthetists, which is the reason why patients may receive different charges for different operations, or for the same operation by different anaesthetists.


Your fee is calculated in accordance with the structure recommended by both the Australian Society of Anaesthetists (ASA) and the Australian Medical Association (AMA). 


Different private health insurance providers, and sometimes different policies offered by the same provider, reimburse different amounts to the patient for the same operation. 

What is a "Gap" or Out-of-Pocket Fee?


When Medicare was first introduced in the 1980s, the Medicare Benefit and the AMA Fee were on a par with each other. However, over time the Government Medicare Benefit has remained relatively static and not kept pace with increases in CPI, Inflation, and Average Weekly Earnings. (see chart)


This means that there is a "gap” or out-of-pocket fee between the AMA fee and the Medicare Benefit. This is the difference in the amount your anaesthetist charges and the amount your fund and medicare will refund you.


This gap varies depending on the complexity of the anaesthesia and operation, the duration of anaesthesia and operation, your previous medical conditions, and your after surgery care.

How can you find out what your "Gap" or Out-of-Pocket Fee will be?


These out-of-pocket expenses usually vary with the length of the operation. As a result, it is often difficult for anaesthetists to accurately predict the out-of-pocket expenses in advance. I will always endeavor to provide you with a quote as accurate as possible.


To provide you with the most accurate estimate possible I need to know if you have private health insurance, the fund you are with, the operation you are having and any medical issues that you might have.


Please press this link if you would like a quote for your anaesthetic.

Do I need to pay the anaesthetic fee before the operation?


In most cases, payment is needed after the operation. About two weeks after the operation, you will receive an invoice with information on how to pay the account.


Payments can be made by VISA, Mastercard, Direct Deposit or Cheque.



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